Karri Exercise Therapy

What is Karri Exercise Therapy?

Our way of exercising takes roots in elite sports and injury rehabilitation. We know how to make you as strong and resilient as possible. That is why we named it after the old mighty Karri.

Karri exercise therapy classes are small group sessions (maximum of 4) that involve each person performing an individualised program, specifically designed to achieve their goals.

More about exercise classes here:

Balance & Resilience

Yoga is excellent exercise for those who need flexibility and control.
Gym work is excellent for those that need more strength.
But what exercise makes you more balanced and resilient?

The truth is that you need to practice all the ways that the body moves. A Yogi likely wont hurt themselves because they weren’t flexible enough and a bodybuilder generally won’t be injured because of a lack of strength.

We become more balanced and resilient when we challenge ourselves to fill in our weaknesses. That is why Karri exercise sessions are a balance of Strength, Mobility, Power, Control and Wellness

Move Like an Athlete

Much of our approach is designed based on the elite preparation that athletes use to rehabilitate and prepare for sport.

This approach is used by teams because it is the most scientifically evidence based.

At Refresh we are lucky enough to have therapists with a strong elite sports background and so can use this knowledge to treat everyone like an elite athlete.

Book a Class

To book a class click below. If you haven’t had an exercise assessment yet, please book one of these first to create your individualised program.