Sports Injuries

Treating With Elite Level Care.

We are lucky to have a depth of experience treating elite high level athletes. Athletes have the benefit of amazing resources to ensure they are getting the best possible care.
At Refresh we endeavour to treat every injury with the same care and attention to detail that we would in the elite setting.

Re-hab vs Pre-hab

Just as important as treating injuries is preventing injuries.

At Refresh we don’t aim to get you back to a pre-injury level, we take the extra step to make you more injury-proof going forward.

Elite Sports Background

Our principal physiotherapist has 3 degrees in Physiotherapy, Exercise and Sports Science and a masters degree in Sports Physiotherapy and an extensive background working with elite sports such as at the Commonwealth Games, state football and state hockey.

This knowledge is ingrained into our treatment of sports injuries.

Biomechanical Analysis

Our principle physiotherapist has been fitting bikes for over 5 years, training with some of the best bikefitters in Perth.
We are also trained to assess your running and swimming biomechanics.

These processes are designed to decrease your chance of injury as well as make you more efficient and powerful.

Book an Appointment

Click below to book an appointment with one of our Physiotherapists